Do a Google search for ‘Best wood decking’ and you’ll find various options to choose from. So if you’re in search of a hardwood wood decking solution, how on earth do you choose from the millions of options? If you’re in the market for a hardwood decking right now,  ReldorLifestyles is here to help you make the right choices for your unique project.


When we talk about hardwood decking, one of the first anime that comes to our mind tends to be teakwood. This is probably because teak wood was used in decking for many years.  It has a great resistance to moisture properties that makes it the perfect choice for furniture and other decor interiors.  


IPE comes from one of the South American continent countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia or peru. It is really appealing due to its interesting olive colouration. Infestation is the most preferred choice for wood decking.  IPe is a hardwood that darkens as it matures, so it is widely suited to sunny areas. 

Interior & Exterior Wood Decor

Solid Wood Decking

  • Decking is one of the fancy concepts of luxurious living of a modern bungalow, hotel, and premium residential villas.
  • Most common decks are outdoor furniture, nearby swimming pool, garden furniture, outside staircase of houses.

Best Woods For Decking

IPE Wood

Teak Wood

ReldorLifestyles is one of the renowned names in the Wooden Decking in India. It is known for delivering its top quality and customized solutions for Interior and Exterior Wood Flooring Concepts. With a variety of products and luxurious wood products, we have developed a unique relationship with our clients in offering quality service and design.